Q: What do DIE HARD, PULP FICTION, DIE HARD 2, THE FIFTH ELEMENT, DIE HARD: WITH A VENGEANCE and RUGRATS: THE MOVIE have in common?A: The man. The legend.Bruce Willis.And it’s because of our love for popcorn schlock and our penchant for the absurd that we have decided to throw what might be the most MEMORABLE, MIND BENDING party of your LIFE in honour of this juggernaut of the silver screen!FEATURING...FREE BRUCE WILLIS MASKS for the first 100 through the door!CLASSIC BRUCE WILLIS films (DIE HARD 1,2,3 and 4!) screening all night!And…SURPRISE BRUCE WILLIS DJ SET!So get ready to GO THE WHOLE NINE YARDS and DANCE HARD with a PERFECT STRANGER!Descend into the veritable SIN CITY of Transit bar and challenge yourself to be the LAST MAN STANDING (You'll need a BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS – we suggest Weetbix).And when the night is over, you'll be wondering WHAT JUST HAPPENED as you survey the post-ARMAGEDDON destruction on the dance floor.So don’t COP OUT this Saturday night, August 7th – come down to Transit for a FREE party to end all parties!It'll be like CHARLIES ANGELS: FULL THROTTLE all night!P.S. A Message from Bruce Willis.
Who ACTUALLY managed to get tickets to Splendour this year? Those of you who did, Say Yea! Well, fear not: STRANGEWAYS DJs are back to dry your eyes and fill that deafening silence with their second annual “Splendour in the (transit) Bar”... a night of music that resonates, celebrates and commiserates those who missed out! Transit Bar will be transformed by a miike snow storm, a temper trap, a veritable passion pit of excitement – just be careful not to squish the pixies or frighten the tame impalas on the synthetic grass dancefloor. Just yolanda be cool and kick back to Transit’s banging lcd soundsystem.Best of all, this year entry has been reduced from half a grand to FREE!
Dear Friends,the end is nigh.Our Armageddon is upon us. There is nothing left to do, but have one last, final showdown, in the form of a truly Apocalyptic Party, in which Strangeways will be participating for your listening pleasure.So gather all your altbros and head over to ANU Union Court on Thursday 22nd July for one last hurrah; and with Van She, Bass Kleph and Canberra favourites Hancock Basement among others, it's sure to go off with a bang!Tix are $35 from the ANUSA.OH RAPTOUS DAY!!!